Monday, February 2, 2009

A Good Listener

Lately, people have been telling me there problems and I've lent my patient ear.
At least I hope it's patient.
I mean, it's not bad to give people advice or let them talk to someone because the alternative is to bottle it all up inside. Which is very harmful to one's health.
But how do I answer all of people's questions? Alhamdulillah I try my best, but when controversial subjects come up (such as doubting and orientation) I state my honest opinion first and then bring in the religion.
Those two intertwine to some degree. And while I like to give advice and be there for people, I can't help letting my ego get caught up in there.

For example, while talking with a friend and discussing our doubts and moments of inspiration in religion I couldn't help saying my doubts were answered. That I found comfort in my religion, Islam and every question I had was answered.

But that doesn't make us perfect, we all have our personal jihads and my friend wasn't immune to it. So while giving her the best advice I could, it makes me stop and think. Now, I don't want to relate any of the discussion about her personal life out of respect for her feelings but anything about me is a-okay.

How do you tell someone their lifestyle isn't right?
Or answer that whatever they're doing isn't really right, but don't worry God still loves you.

I'll go be corny elsewhere while figuring out the answer

Love & Peace,
Modest Justice


Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

I dont know what sort of person this makes me because ill talk to you and listen to whatever you had 2 say but then in the end
ill say what yu are doing is incorect therefore you cant expect things to go right for you
its like doing a math question and using the wrong formula
itll only get you the wrong answer so in the end youll never be happy until you choose to do it right
even if it means changing EVERYTHING or altering small parts
forexample my cousins a good person mashallah bt for some reason she didnt wear the headscarf properly whenever she told me her parents where over exagerating a little (they wre) i listened but then i told her its not about her parents but about her god so in the end i told her she DID need to fix up on her hijab
nw she wears it properly PLUS an abayah
hpe i mde sense
loads of luv

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

hpe u translate tht properly this tym :p

ModestJustice said...

Thanks for the adivce/story :D


I was busy with this stupid high school exit exam this week. Insha'allah I'll pass it, it wasn't even that hard ^_^

You said: Where have you gone! (WOMAN)
hee hee I got skillz :D

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

lool yeey so proud of u habibtii :)
sure u aced de exam
i had one bt it went so well
inshallah itll be gd results :)

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