Sunday, April 12, 2009

What if someone.... died in it?

Asalamu Alaikum!

So I've been meaning to go to this one shop across the mall but I'm afraid.

It's called Crossroads and it's a thrift shop.

Not that thrift shops are bad it's just, you know, I'm used to other stores -cough-forever21-cough-. But I heard they had some really nice dresses on the cheap side and wanted to investigate.

This apprehension for thrift shops stems from the fear of bad things happening in those clothes. I mean there's a likely hood that someone was murdered in those heels. And yes, those are the same rings Dolly Parton had on her fingers while sticking her fingers down her throat to purge. And while we're at it, those skirts you're trying on have been on the dead corpses of Titanic Survivors. EVERYTHING HAS BEEN SOILEDDDDDDD!!!!

Yeah, I'm kind of paranoid.

I've succeeded in convincing myself not to go to the store tomorrow and will most likely go to Marshall's.

What can I say? I'm shopportunistic!

1 comment:

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

id nvrr go 2 one nt even buy their books
if i had a paper cut id convince myself i had AIDS
noo thankz

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