Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Stuff Somali People Like

Muwahaha! (This seems to be my catchphrase nowadays)

Anywho, a blog YOU guys need to check out (especially if you are somali) is (not ppl, although that blog was funny, some of it is offensive)
an offshoot of stuff white people like but completely different bloggers...

My friend started it and she's asked me to write a post for them (insha'Allah soon, I have MANY ideas loool)

And yeah that's the update. It's also winter break and so far I haven't seen the light of day


I know it seems like I haven't really 'blogged' in days. Trust me, I haven't :[

It's just been links and directions and vague one liners (thanks for the insha'Allah Constructive Attitude, <|:o) <-- look a clown heh )

But I really do have thoughts! Somewhere in my sinus-headache filled skull.

Expect something.. tomorrow lmao. I'm tired right now @.@

Take care,
Modest Justice


Stacy K. said...

That is so awesome. Its one of the best blog ideas I've ever seen. There is just so much you can joke about w Somalis, but they're the best!

SimplySomali said...

thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you :]
email me ideas homie g

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